Week 17
It’s New Year’s week! Which means absolutely nothing when you are pregnant. Haha. I also get to work year end which means I come back to work on NYE around 7 to close out for the year. I normally dread it, but when you’re pregnant and can’t drink it isn’t so bad.
I have started taking the Phenergan every other day and I’ve been feeling good! I also discovered Karma Wellness water. It is meant to support digestive and immune health. It has a ton of probiotics plus other vitamins in it and the kicker… it taste great!! I have now tried the strawberry lemonade and blueberry lemonade and both are delish. I’ve only seen them at Walmart and they are about $1.70 for one so kind of steep. However they have been helping greatly with my constipation so I’m all in! I’m guessing because I’m not all backed up I have felt a lot better. Like not as bloated, so that is nice!
I weaned off my anxiety medicine when I found out I was pregnant. This has been the 1st week I have noticed my anxiety really acting up. I have constantly been thinking about all these terrible things in my mind. I ran across a post on IG about a baby who recently passed away during a nap and I cannot get that post out of my mind. I didn’t even read the entire post because I just couldn’t, but it is stuck in my mind. I cannot fathom. And from that other terrible things race through my mind all day and when I lay in bed at night next to mya I just cry as I hold her. Anxiety sucks. It literally takes over your every thought and makes you feel hopeless. I’ve been trying to keep busy and listen to my meditation app to help clear my mind.

Week 18
This week has been pretty uneventful! We did have a doctor appointment but it was super quick and she just checked the heartbeat. Currently babe is beating at 140 bpm. I left the appointment feeling like it is a boy. We go back in 3 weeks to get the anatomy scan ultrasound and they will put the gender in an envelope for us. At this point I’m wishing I would have done the blood test because I am ready to know!! Nick really thinks it is a girl. He has a record of always being wrong haha, so we will see. I’m up 6 pounds. My doctor told me that was normal. I am still feeling so huge though. I did make it to the gym Monday. I was surprised it wasn’t packed with it being a week into the new year. I have completely quit taking the Phenergan and so far so good! I’ve been having some heart burn but it is mostly at night. The restless less continues, but I haven’t noticed it is worse if I have caffeine so I’ve cut back on that. The round-ligament pains also continue. I thought it was funny on my Timehop app pregnancy week 35 popped up with Mya and I made a comment that I am now a loud sneezer. This is also true with baby #2. I’ll wake the dead when I sneeze. It hurts to remotely hold them in so they are LOUD! I still haven’t felt any movement. Kind of crazy to me something the size of a bell pepper can be moving around inside your body and you can’t feel it! I’ve been trying to get things ready for Mya’s party next month so it has been keeping me pretty busy!
-The 18 week bump
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