Weeks 15 & 16

Week 15

Phenergan has been a gift from god. Literally night and day and I feel like I can live life again!

I took the bump to the gym this week. My only goal was to actually go and not die. I did a little cardio and legs and mission was accomplished, I did not die. It always amazes me how a gym session can be an instant mood enhancer. Before I left the house to head to the gym I was in such a bad mood. As I changed into my neglected gym clothes my mood instantly changed. My clothes are already tight and I hate the way I looked and felt! Pretty much anytime I have to change out of my pajamas my mood drops like ten points. My friend recently asked me how I had been feeling and my honest answer was I just don’t feel good. With Mya I went to the gym up until I had her. I was active, I remember feeling good! This has not been the case this pregnancy at all. I don’t feel bad because of being nauseous anymore. It is really weird to explain, but I just don’t feel good. I feel bloated, huge and blah 24/7. I’m already uncomfortable and I know it is because of the weight I have gained in general, not because of the pregnancy. If I sit on the floor and play with Mya I feel like I’m 90 years old when I try to get up. I’m out of breathe when I walk of ONE flight of stairs. I have weird aches and pains constantly and again I don’t think it is pregnancy related. It’s just so not me to not be active and take care of myself! So I HAVE to start taking better care of myself and this sweet babe!! I am hoping because of how sick I was in the beginning that it was taking a toll on me emotionally and physically more than I knew and this is a new start since I’m no longer puking all day long!  I cannot imagine what I would feel like in 7 months if I don’t make a change. So here’s to drastically increasing my water intake, not eating junk 24/7 and attempting to make the gym part of my life again!

Week 16

It’s Christmas week!!  I can say for sure my energy is back and I don’t feel like a lifeless hag who just wants to lay around anymore! I’m still not sick and going to try to start taking my Phenergan every other day (after Christmas because if it doesn’t work I don’t want to be sick during Christmas events). My bump is so there and getting hard to hide. It just feels weird to be this big already. I know, I know, you show way sooner with your 2nd kid. But to me it is just weird and I’m not ready to be showing this much already. I’ve felt pretty good all week. I think the Christmas events have helped and are keeping me busy. I’ve been super constipated, fun stuff! I had that problem with Mya too. And I’ve been having some round ligament pain since about week 14. Mostly it hits if I stand up really fast, but only last a few seconds so it isn’t a big deal. I have restless leg like every night. It is SO annoying to where I end up just going to bed. Even not being pregnant I have had issues with restless leg syndrome but it is way worse now. I thought I felt babe move but then I laid there for like 10 minutes and didn’t feel anything again. So maybe it was gas… haha.

We still don’t really have a girl name. We have one name that we keep going back to but I’m not ready to say, yep that is the one. Once we find out the gender we will concentrate on that more! We will find out the gender at the end of January and were going to do some type of little gender reveal at Mya’s birthday party.

Mya is defiantly getting spoiled by mommy and daddy this year but it will be her last Christmas as an old child, so I felt like it was okay. Plus I just love buying gifts so yeah, she got spoiled.

Christmas eve morning/afternoon I was in a mood. I just woke up grumpy and as I was getting ready for work it just got worse and worse. I tried on about 10 different tops and I was just uncomfortable and looked fat (not pregnant) in everything. All day at work I was uncomfortable and stressed out about when I was going to clean the house since we were hosting Coffey Christmas. So I knew when I got home my mood wasn’t going to improve any. When I got home the house was a wreck and in Nick’s defense you can’t clean with Mya there. Cleaning with a 3 year old is just down right impossible. You pick up one thing and she has done drug out 10 different things. I was in full blown cleaning mode when I got home and knock out the whole house in a few hours. Coffey Christmas went good. It was so great seeing that side of the family since we don’t get to spend a lot of time with them.

Christmas day we pretty slow. Neither Nick or Mya felt great so we did our Christmas, I made breakfast and we laid around until it was time to go to Nick’s moms. I love that our families have it all figured out and every gathering is on a different day. There wasn’t one day we have two places to go. It makes the holidays so much more enjoyable to be able to spend time at that location and not feel rushed to get to the next place.

Oh and I even made it to the gym this week too! I had a really slow but good leg day!

-The 16 week bump

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