Week 11:
I haven’t taken the Metoclopramide since the 1st day I tried it. I started taking the B6 vitamin in the mornings when I take my prenatal and I haven’t been as nauseous and didn’t puked all week until Saturday. I take the Unisom about an hour before bed, so I guess the two are helping or the “sick” period is finally ending. Either way I am happy and accepting it with open arms!
Nothing exciting to report this week other than we finally made it Facebook official. You know, nothing is true until it is on Facebook. So now the world knows! Here is our announcement video!
We have our 1st Thanksgiving event this Sunday and I CANNOT wait to eat ALL THE FOOD!
Week 12 & 13:

Scratch the “sick” period is ending or the B6 and Unisom are working. And scratch the I cannot wait to eat all the food. Week 12 and 13 were terrible. I woke up feeling nauseous and would go to bed feeling nauseous. I was also getting sick multiple times a day, even at work and restaurants which just sucks, because if my head is in a toilet I would prefer it to be one at my house that I know is clean. It didn’t matter if I ate or not. I was feeling and getting sick. It is just a miserable feeling. All I wanted to do was lay on the couch and concentrate on not puking. I finally broke down and called my doctor. They tried to call in the Diclegis again. She said since I had tried something else insurance may cover it this time. I am guessing she kept trying the Diclegis because it worked for me with Mya. I found out insurance was covering around $400 of it, but it was still $165 to get filled. I called my doctor back to let them know the cost and they called in Promethazine (aka Phenergan). Que the singing angels! I haven’t puked since I started taking it!
Baby bump went to its first Louisville game! I had to snap a picture because I took the same picture with Mya, when she is was in my belly.

Week 14:
Still no puke! It is kind of crazy the 1st trimester is over. In a way it flew by. The second kid bump is no joke (see picture above). I feel like I am going to be huge this pregnancy because after I eat I already have a decent bump! We had a doctor appointment this week. Everything went good. We got to see the baby on the handheld and the heart rate was at 155. I looked back and at 15 weeks Mya’s HR was 152. We will find out at the 20 week ultrasound, which means we have to wait 6 more weeks, which seems like a lifetime! I am hoping with Christmas being in the middle of this it offers some distraction so time goes by quick! Currently up 4lbs.

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