I guess go ahead and find a new blog to read if you aren’t interested in bump updates. This has now become a pregnancy blog.
So far I feel like this is my 1st pregnancy again because I have totally forgot when things happen! I was really nauseous my 1st pregnancy that I miscarried and with Mya. It wasn’t morning sickness. It was all day long! But I couldn’t tell you when that started. I’m guessing around week 7 because I woke up 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant and bam. I need to eat like every 2 hours to keep myself from feeling sick. So far it isn’t bad enough to where I need to take anything because as long as I eat it makes it go away.
We had our 1st doctors appointment!
Quick recap: I got on the scale and weigh the most I’ve ever weighed in my life. I’m worried about the weight factor this pregnancy. I already weigh more than I did when I was nine months pregnant with Mya, so the scale should be fun this time! I lied and told them I didn’t know when my last cycle was because I was hoping they would do an ultra sound. Didn’t work. They did do the hand-held with the screen though, so we could see the baby and the heartbeat! Up until actually seeing the baby it didn’t really feel real. Seeing the little flicker of the heartbeat made is SO real and exciting!
When I miscarried they didn’t do anything my 1st appointment other than have me pee in a cup. I left that appointment and came back 4 weeks later thinking I was almost 11 weeks pregnant and that is when we discovered there was no baby. I had the amniotic sac, just not baby in it. I still to this day think if they would have done the hand held at my 1st appointment or something I would have know much sooner. So I was extremely happy I got to see the baby and the heartbeat.
We go back in about 3 weeks to have an ultra sound and do all the blood work and fun stuff. I should be around 10 weeks. We will get our official due date at that appointment.
I have now weaned off my anxiety meds. Some days I feel totally fine. Other days I don’t at all. I have noticed I have no patience with Mya. Also in my defense, she has been acting terrible lately!! I do not know what has gotten into her. She whines 24/7 and is just downright nasty sometimes. I am hoping to stay off of my meds, so we will see how the next few weeks go.
-The 7 week bump
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