Week 38

If you are reading this Monday, June 1st we should be at the hospital right now!

This is the last week I have to be pregnant!! They are inducing me Monday, June 1st! We have to call at 5:15 to make sure they have a room and we are scheduled for 7 am. They make you read and sign document about being induced and it really scared me. It talks about what inducing is, what can go wrong, what different options there are and so on. Wednesday when I went to the doctor I was only 1 ½ cm dilated and she said my cervix wasn’t softened any. When I went in with Mya because my water was leaking I was only about 2 cm and they started me on Pitocin and I progressed very quick. I just hope the Pitocin works and everything goes as smoothly as it did with Mya. I have actually felt pretty good this week. He has dropped some so he is FINALLY out of my ribs! I have been sleeping much better too. It is still taking me forever to fall asleep, but once I do I sleep really good. Other than sweating. I wake up soaked every morning. I haven’t had a huge appetite this week and nothing really sounds good (other than cereal). My heart burn has also calmed way the fuck down!! I am really only taking Tums at night now. My restless leg is back and at night I literally cannot sit still, so that is annoying. I do get really sharp pains in my pelvic region if I’m sitting and stand and it hurts for a few until I walk it out.

We had a good weekend and spent most of the time at Nick’s moms at the pool. I got REALLY burnt on Saturday so Sunday I out of the sun completely. I have a nice farmers tan now. Monday I had a hair appointment!!! Yeahhhhh! I was also able to get a pedicure and get my nails done too and the 29th I had a lash appointment. It totally sucked laying there for 2 hours but I am feeling like a new person with this tan, hair, nails and lashes! We went to El Nopal and sat inside to eat! So weird! I felt like I was doing something wrong the entire time we were in there and could tell I was being a Germophobe and thinking about things I would normally not think about. Like the chip basket the chips come in. I would not let Mya touch it. I laid down a ton of napkins to make sure she didn’t sit any of her chips on the table. Also this is the 1st time Mya has been to a restaurant in over two months. We haven’t taken her into any stores while this has all been going on either. I was glad she was well behaved. There were maybe 4 other tables in there while we were there. It seemed like they were still doing a ton of carry out orders.

Tuesday I went to my doctors appointment only to realize once I got there my appointment was for Wednesday. FAIL. Most of my appointments have been on Monday and I guess I was just thinking with the holiday it would be Tuesday. I don’t know. As soon as she was like what is the last name again, I was like ahhh I think my appointment is tomorrow. I did another deep clean to the house. Every time I do it I’m like okay this is the last time only for it not to be! So fingers crossed that was really the last time because my back just cannot handle another one. I seen a meme that was perfect and explains why I only let Nick “straighten up”.

So Wednesday I went back to the doctor for my actually appointment. I had an ultrasound first and Mason was super uncooperative. The point of the ultrasound was a weight check. He was bunched up in a ball, pressed up against me and wouldn’t move for her. She estimated him at 6 lbs and 7 oz. I was shocked. I was 100% convinced I was having a 9-10 pound baby! They did say it is an estimate and he could really be plus or minus a pound. I’m still guessing he will be 8.3 when he gets here. Nick said 8 pounds. And I am still hoping he is smaller than both of those! I cannot picture what I think he will look like. I’m thinking no hair but other than that I just picture Mya.

Thursday was my last day of official work. It felt good to get everything wrapped up and clean my inbox out! I went into the office on Friday just to drop equipment off and give my boss a rundown of what I currently had going on. I am exciteddddddd for this break! I am taking 7 weeks if I have him vaginally and 9 if I end up having to have a c-section.

Saturday we spent most of our time at the pool again. Sunday I finished packing our bags, cleaning the house and getting everything in order. We had breakfast outside and we went to lunch just the three of us and I snuggled Mya extra hard when she went down for a nap. I am anxious, excited, and scared. Basically emotions everywhere! I am expecting to not at sleep at all Sunday night!

I am up a total of 28 pounds. I gained 30 with Mya so pretty much the same! I also ate like trash this entire pregnancy, so that makes me even happier for the 28 gained. Sweets 24/7. I am hoping all of those cravings just sail away after I give birth! I already stocked the frig with some new seltzers that weren’t out before I got pregnant, some wine and some cider beers. Can’t waittttt. I told Nick on the way from the hospital I wanted to stop and get a margarita. I am sure I will have different thoughts on that on our actual way home though. I also got my pump this week! Perfect timing!

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So we put a screen over the pipe so no new bees can get in. I was worried the ones in the pipe would find their way into the house. We have had a ton of dead one in the basement every time I go check. I vacuumed them all up and about 8 hours later we had probably 50 (all dead or almost dead) laying in the floor again. They are all spread out in the storage room so I still can’t figure out where they are coming from. I sprayed the pipe again with some killer hoping to kill off what is in the pipe but I’m not sure how far down the hive is. So fingers crossed were on the right path of this issue being resolved.

-The 38 week bump

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