Week 35

This is the 1st week since working at home that hasn’t seemed to fly by. Anyways the countdown continues! Not much has changed. Super uncomfortable and just wore out. I get out of breath from simple things like giving Mya a bath. I think it is because he is still all up in my ribs. Not sure how much longer our nightly walks are going to last. Even going extra slow I cramp and now my lower backs been hurting really bad. Still not sleeping which is starting to take a toll on me mentally. I started taking a probiotic with my stool softer a while back and it was helping and now those two aren’t doing the trick. I tried taking my iron supplement every other day but didn’t notice a change so I haven’t taken it in a few days. Hoping that helps the constipation issue. I feel like I haven’t mentioned heart burn in a few weeks. It is still here in full force fokes. If I bend over or when I’m laying down the acid just comes up. Fun stuff. If you ever had twins, my questions to you is HOW??? You are a saint. I cannot fathom having another baby in there at this point!

I’m over the pineapple craz and I’ve moved onto strawberries with powdered sugar. NOM NOM. Still having cereal as a snack before bed and it is mostly still Lucky Charms. Every now and then I get a little crazy and have Cocoa Puffs. Still loving ice. I drink/eat on crushed ice and lemon water that all day while I work. Still working from home and at this point I am very glad I am at home. We took maternity pictures over the weekend and I was wore the F out from showering and getting ready. I am glad I currently do not have to do this daily with work. I am wondering if my maternity work pants would even fit at this point.

I got some more deep cleaning done. Kind of worried it was too early though and it will need to be done again before he gets here. I don’t know how much more deep cleaning I have in me though. My back was killing me by the end of it. I also repainted my toes and pretty sure that’s the last time that will happen. This belly is just in the way!

Maternity pictures didn’t go as I planned, but we got a few good ones so they will do. We talked about if we should even do them, but I knew looking back I would be sad if we didn’t even though I feel huge, extra pale, need my hair did and really DO NOT want my picture taken right now. Nick had to do a live show for Derby (even though Derby was cancelled), so we needed to do pictures before that. We left the house almost 30 minutes late because of pregnancy slowness, getting a 4 year old ready and etc. The park we went to was PACKEDDD, so we had to drive a good 10 minutes to even find a parking spot. Once we parked and got out we had about 10-15 minutes for pictures. Mya wouldn’t really cooperate and insisted on leaving her watermelon sunglasses on in the pictures. Like I said, we got a few so I’m fine with it. You get what you get with a 4 year old and a tight time schedule. Special thanks to my sister for playing photographer. She is actually getting pretty good. I make her play photographer a lot!

Mya has been on one the last few weeks. She has been throwing fits like she has never before. Like epic meltdowns for no damn reason at all! I try really hard to tell her to sit in timeout and just let her throw them but hearing her scream like that just eats right through me!  I’m like alright kid, get all this out of your system now before your brother gets here. She will not nap on the weekends anymore and by 3:00 she desperately needs one! I asked her daycare provider if she’s been throwing fits at her house and of course she hasn’t. I’m glad she is at least behaving for other people. I was feeling pretty good with how she was trying to talk more, but the last 2 weeks I have been really concerned again with her development. I can tell my anxiety has been acting up, so I’m wondering if the two are going together. I’ve just noticed simple things like riding a bike. She does not get that you have to peddle at all! Nick and I have both worked with her on multiple occasions and she just wants us to push her on the bike, which physically kills my back. I thought peddling was like a natural thing kids just picked up on? Potty training is not going anywhere. She constantly wants to sit on the potty but won’t pee on it. She still runs to tell Nick, “Daddy I pee, I pee”, when she gets off and I try to explain to her sitting on the potty doesn’t mean you actually peed. She will sit on it, say she’s done and then 45 seconds later want to sit on it again, but never pee. One weekend I swear I just sat in the bathroom all weekend with her. I’m pretty sure she’s having night terrors because she wakes up screaming no no no. Mommy no or daddy no and it takes forever to get her to calm down. I get up with her and she doesn’t want anything. Doesn’t want me to hold her, doesn’t want a drink. She just screams and yells no. She still hasn’t had her 4 year old wellness checkup because I don’t want to take her to the doctors office with all this corona virus crap. I am dreading taking her to this appointment because I know she is so far behind in multiple areas and they always point that out. But man, shes cute!

Nick almost cut his finger off after I told him not to cut it off!! Men, I swear they never listen!! He was trimming the bushes in our backyard with our electric bush trimmer. When my dad gave it to me I remember he told me to be careful because you could easily cut your finger off with it. Anyways I told Nick, “BE CAREFUL, I had déjà vu you cut your finger off!!” About 45 minutes later he come running in the house telling me he cut his finger. I obviously thought he was fucking with me because of what I told him, until I saw all the blood. I ran to get him a towel and told him to squeeze it to get the bleeding to stop. He wouldn’t let me look at it he just kept pacing all over the house and I was just following him around like a lost puppy. He finally said, “get me a beer”. So I of course did as I was told, even though I wasn’t sure that should be our next move at this point. After about 15 minutes I finally talked him into running water over it so I could look at it and see if we needed to go to the hospital. Yall, my stomach does not do blood or cuts or these type of things. I was pretty proud of how calm I acted and not letting him know I was freaking out! I ran to Walgreens to get some supplies to doctor him up. I’m still not convinced it couldn’t use a stitch or two but he says it is fine so I guess time will tell. It defiantly could have been worse so I am thankful for that!

Onto something more positive. I have a hair appointment scheduled for the 25th!!! Now if Mason can just stay put until then! && the state is kind of opening up at the end of the month! Which actually makes me excited for maternity leave!

-The 35 week bump

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