I had a doctor appointment this week. I got to park on the 1st floor of the garage again. You really don’t understand how big of a deal this is. As soon as I got off the elevator there was a table set up. Two ladies were sitting there, one asked questions (have you had a fever, been in contact with anyone with COVID-19, etc.) and the other one took my temp, then they let me go down the hall to my doctor’s office. This was new from my last appointment.
Nothing new as far as my doctor’s office policies, still no one can attend appointments and only the spouse/partner in the delivery room. My doctor told me she doesn’t think they will get to a point where the spouse/partner isn’t allowed. But she did say even though my due date is 7 weeks away she still doesn’t think visitors will be allowed.
Im up 3 lbs from my last appointment, (4 weeks ago) for a total of 22. I’m happy with that, glad to see the quarantine isn’t having a drastic toll on my weight! I expressed my concern about Mason being a big baby and she said I’m not measuring big but they could induce me May 29th (a week early), if I wanted to. We are going to do an ultra sound at week 38 to see how big he is if I make it that far. I am just SO convinced he is going to come early. Every time I stand up I’m just waiting for my water to break. Maybe it is just wishful thinking since I am so uncomfortable and over it at this point! May 29th seems like hell-a soon though!
The baby sprinkle has officially been cancelled. We are just going to have friends and family leave gifts on the porch or ship items to our house. I am too much of a planner (example: I have already started the hospital bag) to be waiting until a week before he gets here to have a get together. And even then, I don’t know if it would be allowed. I need the stuff now, I need it organized and I need to be able to see what I still need to go buy. We ordered a new car seat last week and it won’t be here until April 30th and I’m like that’s too far away! What if he comes before then! I’m psycho, I know.
Normally I would be to every other week appointments but she scheduled me 3 weeks out and she will check to see if I am dilated or anything at the next appointment. I thought she would do that at this appointment so I’m a little ticked I took the time to shave my legs this morning for nothing! It is quite the task, people.
I’m sleeping like shit. I can’t fall asleep at night because my mind wont stop. I’m already running the birth scenarios through my mind. I am not sure if it is better to know somewhat what is to come or if being completely clueless of it all was better. I feel like I’m struggling with how many different ways everything could go down. Will my water break? Will we be ready when I do go into labor? Will everything go smooth like it did with Mya? Will the state still be on lock down? Will nursing work out? How am I going to nurse with a 4 year old who needs me constantly? The questions just go on and on. Plus Mason moves like crazy 24/7, so it is really weird trying to fall asleep and having someone inside of you moving. I’m a stomach sleeper, so yeah this big ol’ belly doesn’t work out with that, so getting comfortable isn’t really in my cards. Oddly though, I am not tired when I have to get up. I mean yeah, I hit snooze like 3 times but once I’m up I’m fine.
I’ve never wanted a drink so bad in my life. Friday after work I got a beer out of the frig and just looked at it for like 10 minutes. I remember how good those Friday after work beers are!! I kept telling myself over and over one beer will not hurt. But I couldn’t do it. I’ve come this far, I can hold off for one more month. I even searched on Google looking for someone to tell me it was okay. No one gave me the go ahead, so back in the frig it went. I don’t remember missing alcohol so much when I was pregnant with Mya.
All the aunts are on it and all three of them dropped stuff off for Mason this weekend! We got the bassinet and got it all put together. We didn’t have anything for him to sleep in because Mya slept in the Rock N Play which now is considered a no no, so we registered for the Fisher-Price Soothing Motions bassinet. It was SO easy to put together. Everything just snapped together. My kind of furniture assembling. We also got a tub insert for baths, diaper bag, nursing things, super cute clothes and more. They took care of me and Mason!
Nothing else exciting to report. We had another super low key weekend. Mya is starting to get a little stir crazy and by Sunday night I am SO thankful she is able to still go to daycare during the week. I didn’t wash my hair or change out of my pajamas all weekend so I didn’t get a bump picture. Quarantine life!

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