TEN WEEKS TO GO! Excited and hoping it flies by and super nervous because of the Coronavirus and all the unknowns. If everything is back to normal in a few weeks I’ll be ready for him to come early! If not, I want him to hang tight! I do have this weird feeling he is going to come early. He has to be running out of room already!? I am way bigger now than I was when I was 39 weeks with Mya. I am terrified he is going to be like a 10 pound baby. So I’m all over the place with like come early and be petite like Mya was and stay in there to avoid all this craziness that is going on right now! I’m still using the Momma Bees tummy butter after showers, but started using coconut oil at night. I’m getting stretch marks on my sides and my hips already. Wahhhhh. Like I said before, I don’t know if they will help, but they can’t hurt.
In other news, like I said weekly things change because of the Coronavirus. I started working from home this week. Currently there isn’t a end date that I’ll return to the office, again we can thank that unknown date to the virus. It honestly hasn’t been has bad as I thought it would be. I was dreading it and thinking I couldn’t possibly be as productive at home. I was able to bring my printer and two monitors home, so I have a pretty good flow going already. My only issue is desk space. I like to have all my stuff spread out and my desk just isn’t big enough. Oh and I’m in the nursery. Nursery turned office. Mya is either at daycare or Nana’s and Nick is downstairs, so it is pretty peaceful and I don’t get interrupted. One factor I’m not loving is I manage a team of 18 and it is hard for me not to be in the office and be present and there to assist. Of course they can call or chat me, but it is different. I hope my team knows if I had the choice (which I didn’t), I would be there with them. I do feel limited on how much I can help them out since I’m in a different location and our jobs are not paperless, so I’m struggling with that.
I was supposed to be off Wednesday-Friday this week but cancelled the time off. We are way too busy at work and of course there would be nothing to do. So I’ll save those days for when I can actually leave the house.
We did have our 3D ultra sound this week! I was really surprised it wasn’t cancelled. Mason is chubby!! He had little arm pit rolls! She said he has hair too! He was being pretty suborn though and was pressed up against me the whole time, so the shots she got of him she really had to work for. She said he still had a lot of room, but is all snuggled up to me. I am wondering if that is why I feel him so much more than I did with Mya? We caught him yawning and he even gave us a little smirk. He also gave us some pouty faces, I think he was getting mad she kept shaking him, but he wasn’t cooperating! We got to see his little fingers playing with the umbilical cord too. Those 3d ultra sounds are pretty amazing. I would definitely recommend getting one if you are expecting!

As far as social distancing. We are practicing it hardcore. Other than previously going to work, (not now) and running to the grocery, we don’t leave the house. Me and nick both said it has actually been kind of nice to have zero plans on the weekend. It is like the world has had no choice but to slow down. I’m really enjoying the one on one time with both Nick and Mya. And I can tell Mya is loving it. She has mommy and daddy both home alllllll day to do nothing but play and entertain her. I am super thankful the last 2 weekends it has been so nice outside. We literally spent the entire weekends outside. We got some yard work done, we trimmed bushes, pulled weeds and re-mulched. Nick did a lot of the heavy lifting, but just bending over and going nonstop was killing my back. Nick told me probably 50 times to sit down, but that just isn’t how I’m wired. I have to be productive and just sitting doesn’t cut it for me! So I worked through the pain and paid for it that night.
I also joined Keisha on the Kentucky Momma Podcast to discuss COVID-19 while being pregnant and anxiety issues. If you haven’t listened head over to the Kentucky Momma podcast and give it a listen!

-The 30 week bump
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