Week 26 & 27

Last week I started applying some stretch mark cream. I don’t know if it helps or doesn’t, but I figured it doesn’t hurt. I cannot tell if I am getting stretch marks on my side already or if it is just my veins. I cannot handle the smell of the Palmers cocoa butter lotion or tummy butter, so the only other option I seen was the Burt’s Bees Mama Bee belly butter. It says fragrance free on the back label. It would say it definitely isn’t fragrance free but it doesn’t smell bad or strong like the Palmer’s.

I haven’t felt very good this week. My stomach has been hurting a lot and my hernia has really been bothering me. I feel like there is something special about my right rib cage. Mya loved it and now Mason is enjoying it! I feel like I am carrying Mason much lower than Mya, so I’m amazed at how bad my ribs hurt already. I am very uncomfortable sitting down, which is what I do all day long at work. I made it to the gym ZERO times this week which just sucks. My goal is 3 times a week. I worked late almost everyday this week, so by the time I left work if I would had gone to the gym I wouldn’t be getting home until almost 7 and that is just too late for our schedules. Excuses excuses, I know.

How’s babe?

His eyes are starting to open. His nervous system has developed enough that it is beginning to be able to control some of his critical bodily functions and my uterus will grow about a 1/2 an inch each week. Pregnancy amazes me!

Week 27

1st of all, happy birthday to my sister!!!! Love you soooo much!

When I took my bump picture this week I had to look to make sure I was 27 weeks. For some reason I was thinking I was 26. So seeing 27 was awesome!! I feel like we are finally getting somewhere! I’ve not been sleeping great this week. I wake up soaked from sweating at least once a night and wake up about 2 times a night to pee. So since I’m not sleeping well my energy has been down. I’m still struggling with my size and wishing I would quit getting bigger! I am trying SO hard to embrace everything, because what a blessing this is, but I am just having a hard time. I’ve been having some tailbone pain (yep, just adding another body part to the pain list), so I did some prenatal stretching. Even though Mya was climbing all over me during the process I felt good after, so hoping to try and do that a few times a week. It was about a 10 minute video I found on YouTube.

I made it to the gym twice, which was an improvement from last week.

I also said I was going to quit bump comparing but it is just hard!

Mya on the left, Mason on the right

On a much lighter note, Mya got to feel Mason kick! Mason was moving around like crazy. I asked her if she wanted to feel the baby move and she said yeah, so I put her hands on my stomach. He kicked right away and she looked right at me and started giggling. It was one of those moments I hope I never forget.

-The 27 Week Bump

1 Comment

  • Jackie Hall
    April 15, 2020 at 6:18 pm

    I can’t wait to see Mason!