15 weeks to go. T H R E E more months. Shew, seems like so far. If he could come out now and be 100% healthy I would say come-on boy!
This week on unnecessary comments: I got asked if I was having twins when I told someone my due date. Like do we need to have a PSA on thing you DO and DON’T say to pregnant people?
-don’t comment on how big their belly is
-don’t comment on their belly button
-don’t tell them they have a long way to go
WE KNOW THESE THINGS and don’t need your random ass reminding us. I could go ON and ON on the DON’Ts.
DO congratulate us. That’s it. You don’t have to say anything else other than aww congratulations! Trust me, we will appreciate the fact that you acknowledged we’re pregnant and you didn’t insult us.
I follow this blogger on Instagram and she is also pregnant. She is about 19 weeks and her bump is actually bigger than mine. She tells people she’s somewhere between 30-35 weeks when they ask to avoid the, oh wow you are SO big comments. She said when she tells people this she gets, “oh so close” or other positive comments instead. Genius. So for the next 15 weeks I’ll be thirty something weeks pregnant.
I’ve also finally stop bump comparing. I can’t even compare my current bump to my bump with Mya because they are so different. Mya was high and I was tiny with her. Mason is low and I’m huge. If my own pregnancy bumps are going to be different I sure as hell shouldn’t be comparing them to other people. Everyone is different. So if you are pregnant, don’t compare your bump!
So was anyone else obsessed with ice when you were pregnant? I’ve been chewing ice 24/7 recently.
I made it to the gym 3 times this week. I think the gym change has helped! I’ve went more the last month than I have this whole pregnancy. I even did 10 minutes on the stair climber. I was pumped when we signed up to see they had one. I was however terrified until this week to get on it. I didn’t want to get on and get off a minute later. My goal was to stay on at least 5 minutes. So I was very happy with 10 minutes. I’ve improved of the amount of water I’ve drinking also!
Heartburn- if you could die from it, I would be dead.
So how’s babe?
His hearing keeps improving and he probably hear me now and has a sense of balance. If he has hair it now has color. We schedule our 3d ultra sound for 30 weeks so I am excited we will get to see him again! He moves around so much and I just love it. It is an unexplainable feeling.
We had a baby appointment this week. Everything went good. Mason is doing just fine but has caused some issues for me. My doctor confirmed I do have an umbilical hernia, which is one reason my belly button is sticking out so far already. At this point well just watch it. Last week I had some spotting so they wanted to “check” me. I have some issues going on with my lady bits, but well just leave it at that. Nothing major and nothing that is super abnormal. At this point the issues shouldn’t cause any problems with birth but well keep monitoring.
Glucose test- went with orange because that’s what I picked with Mya also. I didn’t remember it being bad with Mya, but everyone always talks about how horrible it is. Anyways the nurse said you have 5 minutes to finish the drink and I was done in 30 seconds. There was some other girl in the room drinking hers and she was literally gagging. I’m like girl, come on, it aint all that. Anyways I passed! They did tell me I had low iron and I was anemic. I had the same problem with Mya. So I have started an iron supplement.
Weight Gain- up 14 lbs (I gained 30 with Mya so I’m trying to stay around that this pregnancy).
HR- 145bpm

-The 25 week bump
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