Week 10

I thought this would be another pretty uneventful week other than our doctor appointment but I was wrong!

The doctor appointment went great. We got to see the 10 week babe and everything looks great. She/he was moving around like crazy and kept putting its little nubs (not quite arms and hands yet) by its face. Gahh so sweet! Got my flut shot and was told I didn’t have to get my blood work done until the next appointment since they knew my blood type. Glad they know because I didn’t. I asked.. A positive for anyone who is curious. I told my doctor that the Unisom and B6 wasn’t helping with the nausea. She called me in Diclegis which is what I took with Mya. With Mya insurance wouldn’t cover the prescription so they gave me samples every time I had a doctor appointment. They didn’t have any in the office to give me that day. It worked wonders with Mya, so I was pumped that before I even left the doctor’s office I got a text saying my prescription was ready. I headed back to work and planned on picking it up after work since I had been gone so long for my appointment. I ended up telling my team that day that I was expecting, which was exciting!

After work I headed to pick up my meds. The lady said, “do you know the cost of this”? I already knew that wasn’t a good sign. I told her no and she proceeded to tell me it was $165…. Yeah, thanks, I’ll just keep puking! I was bummed. Bummed because I know it works. Bummed because I knew I was going to feel like crap the rest of the night.

The next morning I called the doctors office to let them know insurance wasn’t covering the medication and asked if they could call me something else in. They called me in Metoclopramide. I am supposed to take it before every meal and at night if I am waking up feeling sick. She told me it would probably make me sleepy. All day Wednesday I didn’t feel good. I woke up feeling nausea which wasn’t normal because normally it wouldn’t kick in until the afternoon. I got sick once at work that morning. I HATE getting sick. I mean, I don’t think anyone really likes it but I was trying everything under the sun not to puke! I went on lunch to pick up the new prescription. $7. Score. Right before I ate I popped my 1st pill. Within 30 minutes I had a terrible headache and was still feeling really sick to my stomach. I ended up leaving work around 3 because I literally could not keep my eyes open, didn’t want to puke again at work and my head was killing me. I got home right before Mya got home from school. I just wanted to sleep!!

It is hard being a mom. Like really hard sometimes. But being a mom when you cannot keep your eyes open, your head is pounding anddd you feeling like you’re going to barf straight up sucks. I ended up getting sick 3 times that evening. I was in bed at 8:00 praying Mya would go to sleep soon. By 9 we were both out and I woke up feeling so much better!

Thursday I was extremely nervous to take the medicine again. One, I didn’t want the headache. Two, I could not feel that tried ALL day and three, I was like what is the point if I was still puking the night before even though I took it. So I haven’t taken it today. I have actually felt great and not sick all day, which is just odd. I took the B6 as soon as I got up this morning so I am wondering if that has helped?

Weight Gain: 2 lbs

Ive been eating constantly I feel like but I have noticed I don’t eat a lot at one time. So that is good. Plus puking… that can help you not gain weight. Woo hoo, I found a positive to puking!

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