To my first born

Your days as an only child are quickly winding down. I know you are excited for the “baby”, but I know you don’t really know what is about to happen. Soon your world will be flipped upside down as you will be forced to learn how to share your mommy and daddy. The one-on one-attention we give you will soon have to be shared with someone much smaller and much more helpless than you. Our daily routes will change and it will take you time to understand why. I hope you know we did this with you in mind though. We did this so you have someone to play with when we go on family vacations. We did this so you can experience the bond between siblings and you will one day see how special that truly is. We did this because when you get older you will need someone to vent to when mom and dad aren’t your favorite people. We did this because we know your heart is HUGE and you will be such a good big sister. In the beginning it will be hard. It will be hard on all of us as your dad and I try to figure it all out. But I promise it will be worth the chaos that the first days and months bring. I see you wanting to help a ton but also getting jealous, which is totally acceptable and understandable.

As much as you won’t understand the changes in the beginning, I am struggling with how my heart will grow enough to love your brother as much as I love you. I’ve been told as soon as I hold him for the first time the feeling will come rushing over me and it will be like he was always here and your heart just grows that much bigger. I still find it hard to believe though. You will always be my baby. My 1st. The one who made me a mom. My little guinea pig that helped me figure it all out . Which I know will always give you your own special place in my heart.

So as these days of a mom of one inch closer and closer, let me hold you a little tighter. Let me snuggle and kiss you whenever I want. My mommy heart needs it. The transition will be hard on us all, but know your dad and I have the best intentions and thought a lot about you before we made the choice to expand our family. One day, like myself, you will be happy to have the title of a big sister. You will be his protector. His go to. You will be the best big sister. In the end I hope we made the right decision to expand our family. We’ll all adjust and hopefully it will be for the better, even if it takes us a little time to get there.  

-Love momma

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