The day you were born is a day I will never forget. You were born Monday at 9:35 AM but the events started Saturday without me even knowing it. Saturday your dad and I were walking through the mall and I felt this small gush. I didn’t think my water broke because when I went to the bathroom there wasn’t a lot going on down there. We went on with our day. Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday! We went to grandma’s and pop pop’s to watch the game. My back was hurting some and every now and then I would have that small gushing feeling but other than that nothing major was going on. Your dad and I kept debating on if we should go to the hospital or not just to check if my water had broken. I called the hospital and they were like, “Well you can come in and we can check if you want”, but they didn’t seem concerned. Once we got home that night we were still back and forth on if we should go. We finally decided to go. I remember finishing packing our bags (most everything was already packed because your momma was on top of that stuff), and the whole way there I was thinking, “this is dumb, I know they are just going to send us home”.
We stopped at McDonalds on the way just in case they did admit me! We got to the hospital around midnight and they took us right in. We were pretty much the only ones there. They told me they would do a swab and if it turned blue it meant I was leaking fluid and my water had broken. I didn’t really get nervous until this point. They did the swab and bam, BLUE! Your dad look terrified! Then the nurses got some details from us and we discovered my water had actually broke on Saturday! They moved us to our room and we got settled in. They started me on an antibiotic right away since my water had been broken for so long, so there wouldn’t be a risk of infection.
Around 1:30 they started me on Pitocin at that time I was only about an inch dilated so I figured we were in for the long haul. I had mild contractions until around 2:30. Dad took a nap, aunt kel watch Netflix and I watched some TV. I remember thinking I guess I should get some rest and then all of the sudden the contractions were extremely painful. They would start in my stomach and wrap all the way around to my back. I asked if I could have the epidural and she said she would have to ask because they didn’t like to give it until you were at least 4cm, thankfully my doctor said yes because I was only 3cm at that time around 3:30. I will never forget the anesthesiologist coming in and how happy I was to see him! Then my nurse came in and said he skipped a room and he had to leave and then come back! I was so sad when he left because I was in a lot of pain at that point. He finally came back and I got the epidural around 4. At 1st I was only numb on my right side so I was really worried it only took on one side. It was weird feeling the pain on just one side. The nurse rolled me over and then it started to make its way to the other side. And finally numb! The nurse came back in around 6 to check me again. I’ll never forget her asking, “What were you last time I checked you?” I said 3cm. I was just waiting for her to say I hadn’t had any progress but she said, “Well are you ready to have a baby? You’re 10cm!” I said “what”!? I’ll never forget your dad asking if he had time bathroom and I said my mom isn’t even here yet! Haha. We had a mild moment of panic.
They did a nurse switch and the new nurse told us if she would have checked me before my epidural I probably would have been too far to even get it. I was thankful she didn’t check! They said since I progressed so quickly they were going to let me relax and labor down for a few. Around 8:30 the nurse said we would do some practice pushes to see if you were ready. I pushed and she said, “stop, stop, she’s ready, I need to go get your doctor!” I remember asking earlier if my doctor was there and they told me no she wasn’t scheduled for 2/8. I was disappointed, she had been with me this entire pregnancy and was the only doctor I seen. She came in our room earlier that morning and I know my face lit up when I see her. I said what are you doing here!? She was on call the night before and said she would stay for my delivery. I will be forever grateful that she stayed to delivery you.
I remember the snow was falling so hard outside during the whole process. Aunt Kel kept forgetting I couldn’t feel my legs and would just let go and they would fall. In between pushes we were all laughing and just carrying on conversations. It was such a calm situation, nothing like the movies. I pushed 8 times for 30 minutes and then the doctor said, “Tiff look” and there you were, 8 days early, so tiny and so perfect. They laid you on my chest and then the tears started. I could not believe you were here. Your dad did cut the umbilical cord, which he always told me he wouldn’t because of his belly button phobia! They put you on the scale and it read 6lbs and 2oz. I wouldn’t have ever thought you would have been so little. While they were cleaning you up I told your dad, “that was easy”. It really was the perfect delivery and experience.
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