HI, again.

I neverrrr understood why some of my favorite bloggers would just up and stop blogging. How do you not have 30 minutes a day to jot some stuff down? They all said it became more of another job than something they enjoyed. Well, I still love it but L I F E you all. Life. That is why everyone stops! There just aren’t enough hours in the day.

Life has been so flipping insane I haven’t had the 15-30 minutes to bust out a blog post. GAHHH!

So here is a very quick recap of the last 3 months. Yep, that happened. 3 months just flew the F by.

Weight Watchers

It totally works if you do it. I stuck with it for 5 weeks and lost 10 lbs. Every week I say I’m going to start back and never do. I’m waiting on that rock bottom place again I guess. I haven’t weighed since I stopped and to be honest I’m a little too terrified because I know I’ve gained it back. I just hope I haven’t gained the 10 + more.


Mya started preschool at a new school. She went ½ the year last year to Overdale Elementary. Long story short, she has a speech delay and when she aged out of the First Steps program, preschool was the next step. I was thinking next step for 2019/2020 school year, but no, they meant right then in 2018/2019. So she started at Overdale Elementary in March. You just get a vibe from your child even if they can’t speak. And I could tell she never loved it there. I didn’t really receive any feedback from the teacher and I received one speech update the whole time she was there. Again, trying to keep things short: talked to a friend, friend recommended transferring to Freedom Elementary, put transfer in, transfer approved and now she is at Freedom and LOVES it! Like, she cried when Nick picked her up the other day because she did not want to leave! I really think there are some people who are just better with littler kids. Mya’s teacher is amazing and we have already noticed her trying to speak so much more.

How did she grow so much in 6 months!? Oh and no uniforms now! #win


O-M-G WORK. We have been off the wall busy for months. Every month I’m like okay, it will probably slow down now. Nope. We normally never get OT approved and right now we are on mandatory OT. From the moment I step in the office until after I’m supposed to be gone, it is balls to the wall busy. I have discovered I function pretty well with over 10 things going on at once. Responding to an e-mail, answering the phone and talking to the person in my office, all at once is becoming the norm. I’m struggling with life/work balance though. I am extremely lucky that I rarely ever have to take work home with me. But when I get home I am mentally drained. All I want to do is sit. So the house is a wreck, there is laundry to do and I haven’t been to the gym in weeks!

My 15-30 minutes is already up and there is a ton I still haven’t covered. Stay tuned (not sure how long you will have to stay tuned though… hopefully you aren’t hanging on for another 3 months) but stay tuned on the following:

  • Vacations
  • Chris Mack Fantasy Camp
  • Gym or lack of
  • Mya’s Gymnastics
  • Mine and Nick’s anniversary
  • Decluttering (GAH, I need to declutter!)
  • More on the work, life, husband, kid, self-balance (bc this is not currently happening)
  • My mommy heart

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