Does that say positive?

I was supposed to take a test on Wednesday, but Monday morning I was like let’s just see. Even when you are trying to get pregnant peeing on a stick brings on all kinds of emotions. I was nervous and my heart was racing, but I didn’t really think I was pregnant, so I peed on the stick and hopped in the shower. While I was in the shower I didn’t think about the test that was sitting there at all. I got out, dried my face, and seen it sitting there and was like oh yeah. I squinted and was like does that say pregnant? I got closer and closer and yep, plain as day it read: pregnant. We were actively trying to have another baby, but my first reaction was to say oh shit out loud.

Monday I got nothing accomplished at work. My mind was all over the place! It was a huge secret and I needed to tell someone!! I went the whole work day without telling anyone, not even Nick. I didn’t want to just call him and tell him the news, I wanted it to be special.

I am very indecisive. Anytime nick asks where I want to go eat I’m like “I don’t know”. So recently we have been doing this thing where we both write down a place and then we switch papers and from the two we pick a place. Since it was the last day of the month I had to go back to work that night, I told nick I didn’t want to cook I just wanted to go eat somewhere. We played our game but instead of writing down a restaurant, I wrote “Baby #2 coming June 2020”. Nick read it and was like are you serious!? We talked for a few minutes about it and then I was like but for real, where are we going to eat?

I had a big ah ha moment and was like this make total sense on why I have had NO energy or motivation. The last week or so by the time I get home from work I just want to sleep! As soon as week 5 hit I got the pickle cravings. I did the same thing with Mya. Gimme all the pickles!  We currently have 4+ jars of different pickles in our frig. And cereal. I need a bowl every night. Other than my tatas hurting, I don’t have any other symptoms.

I am beyond thrilled, so don’t get me wrong with this paragraph. I am however not thrilled that I am currently the biggest I have ever been and weigh the most I have ever weighed and now I know I’m going to get bigger. I am currently weaning off of my anxiety meds so I feel like my moods/feelings could be because of that. I have major FOMO (fear of missing out). I don’t like being around people who are drinking when I can’t drink. It is just not fun for me. I don’t want to be a hermit and not leave the house either. I was in a mood Saturday. We had planned a girls day at the winery and I was getting ready knowing I wasn’t staying long and wouldn’t be drinking. I didn’t even want to go, but I did want to go ahead and tell the girls the news. I was actually glad I went. I had a really good time and left right before everyone got to feelin’ good. I am hoping I can find a balance in this and not feel like I’m being left out when my friends go out and I don’t. Orrrr a bestie could also get pregnant. Come on friends, help a sista out and don’t make me do this alone!

At this point we have told our family and close friends. Everyone knows I love my weekly margaritas, so the second I ordered a water everyone would know. I didn’t see a reason on trying to hide it from them.

I am SO happy I have this space to track this pregnancy.

-The 5 week bump

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