

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Weeks 11-14

    Week 11: I haven’t taken the Metoclopramide since the 1st day I tried it. I started taking the B6 vitamin in the mornings when I take my prenatal and I haven’t…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 10

    I thought this would be another pretty uneventful week other than our doctor appointment but I was wrong! The doctor appointment went great. We got to see the 10 week babe…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 8

    This was a pretty uneventful pregnancy week other than the nausea fully kicked in. I do not have any morning sickness. It is late afternoon sickness. Around 3:00 is when it…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 7

    I guess go ahead and find a new blog to read if you aren’t interested in bump updates. This has now become a pregnancy blog. So far I feel like this…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Does that say positive?

    I was supposed to take a test on Wednesday, but Monday morning I was like let’s just see. Even when you are trying to get pregnant peeing on a stick brings…

  • Blogs Life


    When I was in high school and college the thought of reading a book sounded tragic. I hated reading. I will be the first to tell you I am the worst…

  • Blogs Life

    I’m medicated

    I’ve started this post and deleted it 100 times. Sometimes I feel like I’m really good with words and getting my point across. For whatever reason, I can’t seem to get…

  • Blogs Health & Fitness Life

    HI, again.

    I neverrrr understood why some of my favorite bloggers would just up and stop blogging. How do you not have 30 minutes a day to jot some stuff down? They all…

  • Life

    Stop Saying Sorry

    Every Friday I receive an article from Dan Cockerell on various topics. Dan is a speaking consultant and was the former VP of Magic Kingdom. My boss is obsessed with Disney…

  • Life

    I wanna be like you

    Do you know someone who is just a really good person? Like a give the shirt off their back and not question why you needed it for a second person? Like…