

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 38

    If you are reading this Monday, June 1st we should be at the hospital right now! This is the last week I have to be pregnant!! They are inducing me Monday,…

  • Blogs Life Parenting Pregnancy

    To my first born

    Your days as an only child are quickly winding down. I know you are excited for the “baby”, but I know you don’t really know what is about to happen. Soon…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    37 Weeks

    Am I the only one that doesn’t know what swiss chard is?? Pretty uneventful week. Remember how I said I just want him to stay in there until my hair appointment?…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 36

    We celebrated Mother’s Day this weekend. Nothing was really normal about it. We normally go to the track and then go to Mike Linnig’s. It’s been our tradition for the last…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 35

    This is the 1st week since working at home that hasn’t seemed to fly by. Anyways the countdown continues! Not much has changed. Super uncomfortable and just wore out. I get…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 34

    31 days until I get induced! Yes, every week I am going to give you the countdown!! I am still OVER IT! But still want him to stay in there until…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 33

    I had a doctor appointment this week. I got to park on the 1st floor of the garage again. You really don’t understand how big of a deal this is. As soon…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 32

    We celebrated Easter this week. Mya got “egged” by a few people and we had multiple people stop by to drop off Easter baskets on the porch. She loved hunting the…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 31

    I have now officially entered month 8 of pregnancy. I literally feel like I have been pregnant for years. This has been a super uneventful pregnancy week. I guess that could…

  • Blogs Life Pregnancy

    Week 30

    TEN WEEKS TO GO! Excited and hoping it flies by and super nervous because of the Coronavirus and all the unknowns. If everything is back to normal in a few weeks…