My name is Tiffani Coffey. Not to be mistakenly spelled as TiffanY CoffeE. And FYI, I HATE COFFEE. I hate the taste. I hate the smell. I hate everything about it. I have tried to make myself drink it on multiple occasions and I have finally came to the conclusion it is never going to happen. It would be cool if I did like it, so I could post the cool IG pictures with my Starbucks cups but it’s just not happening.
If were acquaintances at all you probably already know, I have an amazing husband (Nick). I have a sassy 3 year old daughter (Mya) and I have a very old man dog (Hunter, who is 14).
Here are some things you may not know:
Every week my siblings and I try to have family dinner. It is good for my soul.
I love hastags, memes and GIFs. #imacoolmom
I also love emojis. Why aren’t they in Word yet?
I have horrible grammar and spelling but I have always enjoyed writing.
I live for the weekends.
I love being a mom more than I ever thought possible.
I cannot stand materialistic people.
I am the world’s worst liar. It will be written all over my face.
I love photography.
I could totally survive without a TV.
Mexican food + margaritas are everything.
My family and friends mean more to me than they will ever know.
Google tells me on a weekly basis that I am pretty much dying.
I’m addicted to the purple Monster energy drink. I have one when I wake up to be a functioning member of society.
I love Mexico and have been there 7 times! Or 8?
I am a wino!
When people chew loud I want to inflict pain on them.
I am geographically challenged.
I organize and de-clutter for a hobby.
I’ve worked at L&N Federal Credit Union since I graduated high school in 2007. I have climbed my way up the ladder from part-time teller, to full-time value teller, to Mortgage Loan Servicer, to Mortgage Underwriter and now I am the supervisor of the mortgage team!
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