Am I the only one that doesn’t know what swiss chard is??
Pretty uneventful week. Remember how I said I just want him to stay in there until my hair appointment? Well I don’t even care about my hair appointment at this point. I want him out! Still loving cereal and still not sleeping. Getting in and out of bed is just comical at this point. There isn’t shit about it graceful. We celebrated my brothers 29th birthday this week too!
I did have a doctor appointment on Tuesday. She confirmed I was still 1 cm dilated. She said maybeeee 2 because she could feel his head, but not thinned any. I remembered almost everything I wanted to ask her also. She switched the day they are inducing me to June 1st because she wasn’t working on the 29th. I was hoping she could switch it for an earlier date, but she said she can only induce one week early because of size. BOOOO. She asked how big my daughter was and I said 6.2 and she said, yeahhh he’s gonna be a lot bigger than that. I am measuring 38 weeks. We are doing an ultra sound next week to see how big he is. I am excited to see him! She also said she would strip my membranes next week. I had that done twice with Mya and it is p a i n f u l. But it must have helped because Mya was eight days early. I got put back on anxiety medicine. I was hoping I could hold off until after I had him but the no sleep is just taking a toll on me so I went ahead and started it. So let’s pray it helps me sleep at night!
I did forget to ask her about how to go about getting my pump so I called the office when I left. They instructed me to call my insurance company which I thought was going to be a nightmare. I figured I would get transferred 100 times before I actually got to who I needed to speak with. I called the number on the back of my insurance card, told the automatic guy what I needed and bam, no additional transfers. I was shocked. They gave me two different companies to call and they confirmed it would be free. I ordered it online and now I just wait. I went with the Spectra. I have a Medela from Mya still so figured if I didn’t love the Spectra I could just use the Medela.

Potty Training
If anyone else has had this issue with their child please help!!! Most nights and weekends when we’re at home we have just been leaving Mya naked. She will now tell me when she has to poop and has been doing really good with pooping on the potty. She gets excited and we do the “poopy dance” afterwards. I can tell she is proud and knows she did something good. Pee on the other hand… I have successfully gotten her to pee on it a few times now. But I have discovered she is holding her pee. I will notice her “dancing” because she has to go so bad. She will even bring me a diaper to put on her. I will tell her no and make her sit on the potty. She will dribble a little and then start yelling no and continue to try to hold it. It is like she is terrified or thinks she is doing something wrong by peeing on the potty. It has gotten to the point where when she starts to go she yells no and tries to stand up and starts crying. I have to hold her legs down so she actually sits and pees. While she’s crying I am telling her how good she is doing, I cheer and dance and tell her how proud I am of her but she just keeps saying no. Basically we haven’t done anything different from when she poops to when she pees. She also gets a treat for both. If anything because of how she acts I get even more excited and happy when she pees. I feel like most people have this issue but with the pooping and not peeing. Anyone out there have any advice? She is still fine to sit on the potty and wants to, but I know she is holding in her pee.
And so I wrote the above paragraph on a Tuesday. Wednesday when we picked Mya up from my Nana’s I just took her diaper off of her and left it off for the rest of the night. She peed on the potty twice (and didn’t freak out) and pooped! I put a diaper on her before bed and she woke up dry. I asked her Thursday morning if she wanted to try and pee and she went! She went pee and poop at daycare and I got her to pee twice at my brother’s house that night. I feel like we are making SOME progress! Funny how things can change so quickly!
So we have a bee hive in one of our pipes that comes out of the house. I can’t figure out what the pipe is for. It’s not the sump pump, radon gas pipe, or laundry vent. The ceiling is finished in that area of the basement so I can’t figure out where it leads to. Anyways, I am assuming they are somehow getting out of the pipe and into the basement. I went in the storage room to grab the baby bottles to wash them and there were like 50-100 bees but luckily all in the window. It was like they got in and couldn’t figure out how to get out. They weren’t very active so I was thinking they may have been there for a while. We don’t go in the storage room that often. We needed to set up to have our house sprayed anyways, so I called the bug people. They told me if they are honey bees there wouldn’t be anything they could do. Like superrrrr, I just have bees in my house! I took it upon myself and sprayed and killed all the ones in the basement. I also sprayed the pipe outside but it didn’t seem to faze the ones outside. There were a ton flying around and in the pipe so I didn’t get too close. Anyways fast forward 3 days and the exterminator came out. This guy was probably 20 years old. He put some dust in the pipe and said when they get it on their feet they will clean it off and then because they ingest the dust it will kill them. We move to the basement and I show him the dead ones and ask if they are honey bees. You all… this guy who is supposed to be an bug expert tells me, “nah I don’t think they are honey bees, I think they are just regular bees”… Like dude. Even I know every bees is a certain type. My only thought was maybe he realized they were honey bees and wasn’t suppose to treat it but it was too late? No clue but I was cracking up on the inside that we just have “regular bees”. There haven’t been any new bees in the basement since I initially killed the ones that were in there so we will see if we get anymore. I am also going to get some screening to put over the pipe so no new bees can get in there. Stay tuned on the bee issue!
I’m really looking forward to the long weekend and it is crazy to think in a week-ish or less we will have a baby boy!!

-The 37 week bump
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