Week 36

We celebrated Mother’s Day this weekend. Nothing was really normal about it. We normally go to the track and then go to Mike Linnig’s. It’s been our tradition for the last 3 years so I was sad we missed that!

I also had a baby appointment this week! Like last appointment some things have changed. All patients are now required to wear a mask, which wasn’t the case last time I went. The office did seem busier, but I feel like they were still only seeing expecting mothers. She checked me and I was one centimetre dilated. Kind of exciting but also kind of gets your excited for nothing. I was one cm dilated with Mya for a few weeks and even after my water broke I think I was only 2-3 when I went into the hospital. I feel like because I had to wear a mask I couldn’t concentrate and it was weird having a conversation! I have been wearing one into Walmart, but that’s the only place and there I don’t need to talk to anyone. I totally forgot to ask her a ton of things I wanted to. I needed to remind her about my pump and get the prescription for it so I could go ahead and order it. Totally forgot about that. Forgot to ask her if I could start taking my anxiety meds again. My anxiety has been through the roof the last 2 weeks. I can’t sleep because of it which like I said last week is taking a toll on me mentally. I just lay in bed at night at cry because I am so frustrated I can’t sleep. It is like the more you just want to fall asleep the more your mind races and you can’t. I’ve been taking sleeping pills also (doctor approved) and they do absolutely nothing. I’ve noticed I’ve been way more emotional in general too. My stretch marks continue to get worse and I am hating everything about my body right now. So what do I do about it? Just cry. Uncomfortable 24/7, what do I do about it? Cry. I also wanted to check and make sure she is working the day she plans to induce me, even though I know I could potentially not give birth that day. I had a few other questions for her too. I have wrote them all down and will ask next week since I’m now on weekly appointments! Which is exciting!

I had to go into work on Monday for a meeting and my team planned a little surprise baby shower for me. I walked in my office and of course started crying when I seen the gifts and decorations. Go figure, but at least these were happy tears. They don’t know how much it meant to me! I wasn’t able to have a shower or anything with friends and family, so them doing this for me really meant a lot.  They did a good job too! I think we literally have everything we need now other than the baby!

The hospital bags are packed and ready to go because I’m convinced he is coming any day now. I’m still wanting him to hang out until at least the 26th (day after my hair appointment), even though I am miserable. I did get some news that I will be working from home until I have him. I was kind of back and forth on what I really wanted but I think my pajama pants are my best option right now! After Friday I only have eight more days of work left. I AM COUNTING DOWN. I don’t know if I am more excited for the vacation or to get this baby out. I do already feel really bad for my boss though. We are still extremely busy and I know my work load plus his is going to put a ton on his plate.

I am baffled by the fact that I was still going to the gym daily with Mya at this point. It is amazing how different your own pregnancies can be. I still feel like every time I stand up my water is going to break because I feel so much pressure. I was actually surprised to find out only 15% of women’s waters break naturally.

Nick and I also celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary! We were very lucky that Thursday the weather was super nice. My mom kept Mya and we went to Mike Linnig’s. They have waitresses in the parking lot who come to your car and take your order and then people just bring their own chairs and hang out in the parking lot. It was nice to get out of the house even if we weren’t gone long. On the way home Nick rolled my finger up in the window. We haven’t had the best luck with fingers lately! We ended the night sitting out back, listening to music and playing ball with Mya.

-The 36 week bump

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