We celebrated Easter this week. Mya got “egged” by a few people and we had multiple people stop by to drop off Easter baskets on the porch. She loved hunting the eggs and was most excited when there was change in them. She put all her “money” in her purse and played with it for hours. Out of her Easter basket Nick and I got her she was most excited for the shoes. She LOVES shoes. 1st thing she wanted to do was put a new pair on. She wore her beach water shoes the rest of the day.

Still thinking Mason is going to be a big baby and had a nightmare about it. Basically he was just too big to come out so we had to have a c-section. Maybe I can squeeze a ultra sound out of my doctor at our appointment next week and she can guess his size? Or at least reassure me I’m not having a 10 pound baby. We’re still holding off on rescheduling the baby shower but, I’m not thinking things will be better by the beginning of May, which is when were wanting to reschedule it for. I woke up one day this week and was totally thinking he had “dropped”. That day I had to go pick something up from my mom and the 1st thing she said to me when she seen me was wow he has dropped! I’ve been having a lot of pressure and even feeling moving super low, but my right rib cage continues to hurt too. I feel like he is all spread out, taking advantage of every square inch of me!
I feel like my sweet tooth is out of control!!! After lunch or dinner I HAVE to have something sweet. Like a bowl of cereal, cookies, some type of candy, something! Mostly Lucky Charms have been my go to. Maybe this is why Mason is going to be a 10 pound baby! I literally cannot stop myself.
The toilet paper pandemic is out of control. We were down to our last roll so I asked Nick if he would go get some. He tried 4 stores and they were all bone dry. I asked on Facebook where I could get some and the key seemed to be go 1st thing in the morning. That night I had a dream, (having lots of weird dreams) that at 8 months pregnant I tried to fight some guy because he was taking two packs of TP. Like what is life right now, I’m having dreams about fighting people over TP. I did go the next morning and had luck!
Mya made her debut on Nick’s live radio show this week. He has been working from home for four weeks so I am kind of surprised it hasn’t happened sooner. Hunter pooped in his cage so I was cleaning it up. When I came out of the room I noticed Mya was no where to be found. My 1st thought was crapppp, basement. I walked down and Nick was like “there’s mommy, she just realized Mya got loose”. She went downstairs and kept saying “dog dog poopy”, which you could hear on air. Nick and his producer Matt played it off well and Matt was like, “well fokes you can’t get that news elsewhere. You heard it here 1st. The dog has pooped.”
Still working from home and still working overtime. Salary life + OT = lame. I’m triedddd. I was trying to figure out my time off for maternity leave and noticed I have taken one vacation day the whole year. I need an off day!! I am so uncomfortable sitting. My ribs and back kill me. Have I already told you all this before? It is obviously an ongoing issue.
I also took this weeks bump pic with a mask on so I have this to look back on one day. It is going to be so weird to tell Mason one day about this pandemic and how I was pregnant and gave birth during it all.

-The 32 week bump
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