Week 29

The Coronavirus is still ruling our country. So much has changed in just another week. Any non-essential businesses are ordered to close. My OBGYN is only seeing pregnant patients in the office now and only the patient is allowed. It was kind of weary when I went in for my appointment this week. That place is normally crazy busy. I normally have to park on the 5th or 6th garage floor. I parked on the 1st floor and there was only one other patient in the office while I was there.  Right now they are allowing only the spouse in the room during births. NY and IL are allowing NO ONE in the room. I cannot imagine. Child birth is such an exciting and scary time for parents. I cannot imagine Nick not being in the room with me when our son is born. I hope by the time Mason comes things are back to normal. I was so ready for him to be here and now I’m like okay kid, hang out in there for the full 40 weeks!

My pregnancy massage has obviously been cancelled. I get it, but man I was looking forward to that.

Our checkup went well. It was pretty basic and boring really. Heart rate was in the 140’s which is where it has been most of the pregnancy. She went ahead and scheduled me 4 weeks out in hopes that things will be better then. She did say obviously if I need to I can come in if something is going on with me or I think something is going on with Mason. I’m up 5 lbs since my last appointment (4 weeks ago), which seems like a lot!!! I blame it on the quarantine and the amount of food I’ve been eating out of boredom! Up a total of 19. I’m thinking my goal of 25 pound gain is about to fly out the window. Now I’m hoping it is not more than 30-35 gained. 

We are still working lots of overtime at work. I don’t mind it so much because I mean my only other option is to sit at home. But I do feel like I’m missing out since Mya and Nick are home. I am also extremely uncomfortable when I’m sitting. My back and ribs hurtttt. I try to get up and walk around or stretch but I’m pretty much just miserable the entire day at work. I did bring up my ribs and back to my doctor and pretty much, when you have a baby in your ribs it doesn’t feel good and that’s what I’m dealing with. Same with the umbilical cord hernia. Just gonna have to live with the uncomfortableness and pain for now. JOY.

-The 29 week bump

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