Week 28

Hello third and final trimester and hello Corona virus! I am amazed at how much things changed in ONE WEEK. No sports, no school, restaurants and bars closed, daycares closed, salons and gyms closed, the stock market has pretty much crashed, my 401K lost over 20K in days, and super markets are bare. My anxiety is through the roof. Not because I have a fear of getting sick. I actually feel like I am pretty naïve or maybe just ignorant because getting the virus isn’t a concern of mine at all. My anxiety is through the roof because of what this is doing to our economy and the unknown factor of what everything is going to look like in a few months. Or even weeks! My anxiety is through the roof because interest rate are extremely low, which is making work just crazy and we are on mandatory OT and now Mya’s daycare is closed. How are people supposed to work when they have no one to watch their kids? How am I going to get Mya to sit down and do a NTI workbook when I can’t even get her to read a whole book with me. Her attention span last like seconds. And my husband, his job, his job is to talk about sports, for three hours a day. How is he going to do that when there are literally NO sports going on.

For the most part I have been trying to avoid the news because it makes me way more anxious about everything. But, I also feel like need to be aware of what is going on, so I’ve been watching it here and there.

I know everyone for the most part is going stir crazy being cooped up in their house. I feel lucky at this point that I don’t have to work from home. I’ve been actually working overtime. What better time to work OT when there is literally nothing to do when you get off work! Work has made me exhausted, so we’re in bed pretty early and I’ve been sleeping like a rock.

I didn’t make it to the gym this week because they are closed. Which actually makes me feel less guilty about not going!

I’ve been trying very hard to look at the positives in all of these situations, but you know anxiety’s job is to try to suck the positive out and pour in the negative thoughts.

SO here is what I am thankful for currently.

-I am thankful my family is healthy.

-I am thankful that I am still working. Servers, bartenders and more are currently out of a job and have no income until the restaurants and bars open back up. So even though we are slammed busy at work, I am thankful to still be working.

-I’m thankful that certain precautions have been taken so that our country doesn’t end up in situation that Italy is in.

-I’m thankful that we have the funds to go to the grocery and be able to afford the things that are left that we need.

-I’m thankful that unless I come down with the virus Mason is in the safest place possible right now.

-I’m thankful for the money we have saved by not eating out!

-Oh and I’m thankful Derby has been postponed and now i’ll get to go and NOT be pregnant!

We have a check up next week. I need to talk to her about my constant front and back rib pain. I’m sure it is just because there is a body part stuck in my ribs but, I want to make sure! My hernia is also really hurting these days. Other than that nothing new to report. I feel like Mason is going to be HUGE. Mya was tiny (6lbs 2oz), I am really feeling like Mason is going to be a 9-10 lb baby. I really hope I am wrong!

-The 28 week bump!

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