Week 23

We celebrates Mya’s 4th birthday this week. I don’t even know how that is possible. I literally look at her and just want to cry because I don’t want her to grow up anymore. A three years old and a four years old are on two different spectrum’s. I feel like when you say you have a three year old you still have a toddler. Four is not a baby anymore. Four is not a toddler. Four is a kid! Ughhhhhh; ugly crying. At Mya’s party we opened a box with balloons to reveal the gender to everyone. I think majority of the people there thought it was a boy so no one was shocked.

Mason is so much more active than Mya was. He moves all the time! I remember days going by when I wouldn’t feel Mya and I would of course freak out. Not the case at all with this little guy. Nick finally felt him move. He gave a good kick and he got to feel it multiple times.
I bought nursey decorations this week and uncle Nate came over to help me put a dresser together. When you get to 23 weeks pregnant you are technically 6 months pregnant. Yall know I’m a planner, so realizing I was 6 months pregnant kind of freaked me out and made me realize I need to start doing some planning and getting the nursery in order.
Nick and I celebrated our 15th Valentine’s together. We have came a long way from 15 years ago. It was a nice simple Valentine’s Day, the three of us exchanged gifts and then went to dinner. Mya got spoiled (go figure) because I didn’t know Nick was going to get her something too, so she got double gifts. I got a pregnancy massage and CANNOT wait to use it!!

Week 24

We got a lot accomplished with the nursery this week. I was off work for Presidents’ Day so I had planned to get as much done as possible. The crib was a PAIN in our asses to put back together. After about 30 minutes I found another bag of “crib” screws. So having the right screws helped. Pretty much everything is done other than a few decorations that I have ordered that haven’t came in yet.
We had a new gym open up by our house. We have been member’s at Anytime since they opened, so like 11 years… crazy! So switching gyms is a big deal to me. We both agreed we needed some change though to help us get motivated again. I was anxious because I’m pregnant and I hate when people look at me and people just do look when they see a pregnant person working out. My first day there some older guy was like, “almost time huh” as he pointed to my stomach. No mother f-er, I have 16 weeks left. Secondly, it puts me out of my routine. I wasn’t in a routine of going to the gym, but when I did go I had a routine there. I knew the equipment and where to go and what to do. Here I know nothing. I’m hoping after a week or two I get comfortable. I went on Monday and did some legs. I felt like I had a pretty decent workout. The next day the only thing that was sore were my hips, which was weird. By Friday I had went three times and three times a week is my goal, so win.
Friday morning was just not a good morning. Old man Hunter woke me up barking 45 minutes before my alarm went off. I went in there to let him out and he had already peed and pooped in his cage. He is 16 and really can’t hold his bladder anymore. I let him out, cleaned up his cage and got back in bed. Then Mya woke up 10 minutes later and I was like F it, let’s just get up. You ever have those days where you can find nothing to wear? Nothing seems to fit right and everything is uncomfortable? This is becoming my norm. I have no clue how I am going to survive three more months of a growing belly. I am already so uncomfortable and irritable. I hate that my belly button shows through my clothes, it makes me super self-conscious and in a 24 hour period I had 3 people point out that I have an outie. Thankssss, I wasn’t aware. Mya was just extra needy this morning which normally isn’t an issue but I was just in a mood from the clothing situation. Then I go to get Mya dressed and ready for daycare and discover Hunter has now puked in the kitchen and nursery (on the rug of course), peed in the bathroom and pooped in the living room. For fucks sake dog. I need a drink!!
This week I did go to the Little Treasures sale and it was a win! This was my first year going so I didn’t really know what to expect. I was looking for a bassinet and double stroller but didn’t find either of those. I did get the following:
- 15 boy bibs
- 10 burp clothes (some in the original package and never used)
- Kick and Play floor mat
- A bath mat thingy for the sink
- Exersaucer
- Brand new baby monitor
- Mason 3 pairs of shoes
- Mya 2 2 pairs of shoes
- Mya 4 bathing suites
- Lots of clothes. I’m guessing about 8-10 items for Mya and probably about 15-20 for Mason!
- Grand total was $205

-The 24 week Bump
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