Week 22
It’s a boy, it’s a boy, it’s a boy!! Like I said last week I was confident and I was right, but just having it confirmed makes everything that much more special. Baby is no longer an “it”. Baby is a he and baby is a Mason Cruz Coffey! When me and nick were dating of course we used to talk about having kids. We have said since my senior year in high school, so what 13 year ago (holy f*ck), if we had a boy we would name him Mason. And here we are. Initially when people would ask me what I wanted I said girl. I said girl because one that is all I know. I remember not really caring what Mya was but kind of wanting her to be a boy because at the time I had a nephew and boy was all I knew. So now from being a parent all I knew was girl. Also we have totes and totes of saved girl clothes. When we found out it was a boy my 1st words after were “I knew it, I knew it”, and “he has no clothes” haha.
How lucky are me and nick to get one of each!? We get dolls and dress up and now we get cars and dinos!
Mason has really picked up his movement that I can feel this week! I keep having nick put his hand on my stomach but he never moves when Nick’s trying to feel him.
Mya still doesn’t have a large vocabulary so we told her she was having a bubby (which she can say). She now kisses my belly and will either say baby or bubby. We were at a Super Bowl party and she climbed up in my lap making the kissing noise and saying bubby bubby. I was like Mya shhh! At that point only me, Nick, Em and Kel knew it was a boy!
The heart burn this week. OMGGGGGG, it is terrible. The Tums aren’t doing shit to help anymore. On a positive note my face is like blemish free. By the end of the day I’m not oily at all and my skin looks good, which is odd for me! If anything my face is a little dry but no breakouts, so I am happy about that. With Mya I broke out really bad. My belly button is officially an outie. Ugh, I hate it.
Other weird but common pregnancy things: I’m getting varicose veins on my inner thighs. Varicose veins are common during pregnancy because of the increased blood volume in your body. I have a bloody nose almost every morning. Pregnancy can make the blood vessels in your nose expand and the increased blood supply puts more pressure on those vessels which can cause bloody noses. My sniffer is working SO good though. I smell everything!! Good and bad. If I’m laying down I have to get up by rolling to my side because if I sit straight up I get a really sharp pain across my upper stomach. My doctor said it is probably a never. I’m still missing socially drinking and my Monster drinks!
-The 22 week Bump
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