Week 21

I am finally feeling some movement! This is about 2 weeks sooner than I felt Mya. I was lying in bed last night and was pushing on my stomach some and felt 3 pretty decent kicks! Gahhh, it is an explainable feeling that brings a smile to my face every time. Monday at work I was feeling some movement but nothing as prominent as the kicks last night, it mostly still feels like gas bubbles. I can’t wait for Nick and Mya to be able to feel the kicks too! We has a baby appointment on Tuesday and I was so excited for it. We haven’t seen the little babe since my 10 week ultrasound when he/she didn’t even really look like a baby. This was our anatomy scan and we finally got the envelope with the gender! Nick and I are doing something just the two of us on Sunday to find out the gender. We aren’t telling others we will know because we will get harassed for the information. I’m glad to know my family really really wants to know though! I gave the envelope to my sister so I wouldn’t peak, because it is tempting, duh and I do not trust myself!! My nana knows she has the envelope and has been trying to tell her to open it and tell her. Nana cracks me up! I am feeling 98% sure it is a boy. I will honestly be kind of shocked if I am wrong! The anatomy scan went good and everything looks good. The baby was moving around like crazy and we even got to see him/her sucking on its thumb. The baby’s heart rate was at 144.

21 week old babe!

My belly button is already struggling. It is pretty much gone and after I eat it kind of turns into an outie! Eeek! I hate it! It is extra sensitive too and kind of hurts if I push on it.

Currently loving junk food, which has been a trend this entire pregnancy. I’m still needing something sweet after meals. I’ve been loving milkshakes, sonic blasts and when I can’t get to those I have Lucky Charms or Gushers!

Pregnancy symptoms are the same as last week: round ligament pains continue. I got a major lower side cramp from just walking through the mall last week and the heart burn continues. I had heart burn with Mya but for sure do not remember it this early or this intense. I did bust out my maternity pillow. I forgot how great that thing is!

Currently up 9 lbs.

-The 21 week bump

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