This was a pretty uneventful pregnancy week other than the nausea fully kicked in. I do not have any morning sickness. It is late afternoon sickness. Around 3:00 is when it kicks in and now even eating doesn’t really easy it. I’ve gotten sick a few times which shows how different pregnancies really can be because with Mya I only did one time. I called my doctor and to see if they could call me something in and they want me to try B-6 and Unisom. Yes, Unisom are over the counter sleeping pills. I was instructed to take ½ a pill one every 12 hours. I’m hoping they don’t make me even more tired than I already am because currently by 8:00 every night I am exhausted and ready for bed. I have been sleeping like a rock though and it is awesome. Pregnant me is SO excited for daylight savings time. I’ll gladly taking that extra hour of sleep!
I finally told my boss. I was going to wait until I went to the next doctor appointment but a few of my employees found out because pregnancy news spreads like a wildfire, so I figured I should fill him in too. I think he already had a feeling though. He’s been asking for weeks if I was pregnant because out of nowhere I started eating pickles multiple times a day. Speaking of pickles, I think that craving has sailed! They literally do not sound good at all anymore. I did have a McDonald’s fish sandwich and pizza rolls this week and I haven’t had either of those in years! Only other craving I have is a big ol’ frozen margarita. We used to go to El Nopal weekly. We haven’t been since I found out I was pregnant! We’re supposed to be going this weekend with friends so if you see me crying into my water you now know why. I only have something like 219 days left, but who’s counting?
I’ve noticed I’ve been more emotional. Nick and I are watching a new show on Netflix which isn’t really sad. I cry Every. Single. Episode. and I have no clue why! Nick was like are you okay, and I was like yeah totally don’t know why I’m crying. Hormones are fun!
We celebrated Halloween with friends and all the kiddos. I love this tradition we have of getting all the kids together and going trick or treating together! It is crazy how much they grow each year. And my friends, gahh I just love them. I was unsuccessful at getting kid group pic!

I’m already anxious for our appointment on the 12th. I can’t wait to see the little babe again!!
-The 8 Week Bump
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