When I was in high school and college the thought of reading a book sounded tragic. I hated reading. I will be the first to tell you I am the worst speller and I am not good at reading. I was that kid who would sweat in class praying I didn’t get called on next to read outline. I just HATED it. It baffled my mind that people read for fun. It only took me 30 years to be able to say I actually enjoy reading. I think it is because I actually found I can read books that interest me. I don’t like fiction love stories. I like to read the real stuff. Things I can relate to. I like reading funny, but honest books about life. I like to read mommy books. Shorten all of that up there up and basically I like to read now. Whoa, weird. It takes me forever to actually finish a book, because I just don’t have time and I really only get to read on my lunch break if I don’t have 1,000 errands to run, but when I have time, I enjoy it now.
The point of all of this is I am currently reading “I’m Judging you” by Luvvie Ajayi. In this book Luvvie brings up friendship and what kind of friend you are. Something she talked about was you may think you are a good friend, but are you really? I’ve always thought I was a good friend but after reading that chapter I didn’t really know how good of a friend I really am or was.
She said to look back through your texts. What are they about with your friends? Have you asked recently how they were? What is going on in their lives? For me, the answer really was no. We have all been bad friends at times. We get caught up in our own day to day lives and sometimes just forget to stop and ask about their lives. And I don’t mean the shoot the shit, how are ya text, but the really tell me how you are text. Or even call. What if we picked up the phone and called a friend? I can tell you now if I called any of my besties they would think something is wrong, because we never talk on the phone. It is kind of a shame isn’t it? How actually speaking to people on the phone has changed.
Are you the friend who doesn’t do it on purpose but you only talk to a friend when you need them or it is convenient for you? That is a one lane road sister and friendship needs to be a two lanes.
So, I’ve been working. Like really working to be a better friend. So when I ask, how are you? I want you to know I care and really want to know how you are.
“Friends are bonus gifts of life because they are the people who are closest to use who aren’t really required to be there.”
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