I recently went to lunch with someone who we will call Tina. I’m putting my life all over the internet but I’m sure Tina wouldn’t care for me sharing her life also. So therefore we have Tina. Tina is an extremely strong person. Like the one I go to when I am having a hard time. She is the one who comforts me and reminds me things will work out or not to stress over things that are out of my control. She has an extremely hard outer shell, like a don’t f*ck with me shell, but on the inside she is super caring and can be sensitive, you are lucky if you get to know that part of her. Because of that outer shell you don’t see her when she is vulnerable.
Okay, so now that you kind of understand who Tina is. She through me for a loop when I went to lunch with her and she started crying because she was so stressed out. I literally froze. Like, WHOA Tina hold up! You are the strong one, you don’t cry! I literally just sat there thinking I should say something, anything, to reassure her. But it is hard. It is hard when someone so close to you is struggling for unknown reasons. Like I knew she wasn’t simply crying because she was stressed about work. There was and is more to it. But I sat there. Not knowing how to comfort her. It felt like minutes when by when I eventually blurted okay, omg it’s okay, don’t stress about work, it is just a job. Like really, that was the best I could come up with. Some people are really good with works and knowing what to say. Me, not so much.
Tina being Tina, quickly pulled it together. Unlike me who would have started crying and we would have had to leave because people would be looking at us as I sobbed uncontrollably.
When those you love are going through something you would do anything to just fix it, so they don’t have to worry, so they don’t have to stress. Seeing her go through whatever it is she is going though is heartbreak and makes me feel so helpless. I hope she knows though, I am always here. I may not have the right words and may not be able to cure all but I am always here.
Love you Tina!
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