When I became pregnant with my now three year old I wanted to start a blog for myself mostly. I have always loved writing and I genuinely enjoy reading other peoples blogs. I thought it would be a nice way to keep track of memories, thoughts and feeling and it would be neat to be able to go back and read everything down the road. How cool would it be if one day Mya could read it? Well, fast forward 9 months and the blog never happened. Instead I saved notes on my iPhone. Yep, I have 100’s of notes. Once I had my daughter I was like okay now I can start a blog. Well, that didn’t happen either. Like who has time for that? Instead I found myself jotting down ideas, writing small post/memories and just saving them in my e-mail or adding to my pages of notes!
I always had some fears about starting a blog.
- I have the WORST grammar. It is tragic.
- Would anyone even read it?
- If people did read it, would they judge me?
- Where would I find the time?
I finally decided to just go for it. What did I really have to lose? Who cares that my grammar sucks. If it was so painful to read, people could just go on their way. I realized it didn’t really matter if anyone read it. I was doing it for myself and if people did read it, super. Would people judge? Absolutely. Everyone has an opinion about everything! But my main goal was to keep it real. I wasn’t going to post about how perfect my life was because it isn’t. I wasn’t going to only share the good. I wanted my blog to be real. Where would I find the time? I would just have to make it! Make time for me and something I enjoyed.
So here we go. I have officially started a blog.
Pretty sure I need a sign off… I’ll work on that.
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